Portal Priestess Mystery School One-Day Immersion

A Portal Priestess Ceremonial Circle

Supported by Dawn Light Amora
Hosted by Anistara Ma Ka
Enter the temple doors
in our Joy Oasis Dome!
Sept 20-22, 2024
3-Day Weekend Retreat
Fully embody your divine femininity and learn to completely trust your intuition by discovering your unique “Divine Design”,
in turn; lighting you UP and turning ON your radiance!
Female-bodied beings

You may be asking yourself, "Well, HOW DO I GET THERE"? I have lifetimes of programming and shame to navigate through...

Most of us have felt shame at one point or another.

We look in the mirror and don’t like what we see. We nit pick those tiny little details about ourselves that perhaps no one else sees or even notices. Or we've made a choice that we later regret, making us feel ‘bad’ about ourselves.

YOU are not alone.

As women, all of us have been through experiences in our lives that have either been self-created, or has been created by the constant bombardment of cultural or religious ‘programming’, or societal ‘norms’ we compare ourselves to and could never live up to.

Being marginalized, put down, made wrong, feel bad and a plethora of other "programs" that are constructed to keep us down, playing small, conforming, kept in line, performing the duties of a ‘woman’- all of which turns our radiance OFF.

"My deepest desire is to share another way with you- a path towards YOU living your most divinely guided life!
I am in service to women, like you, who are ready to launch into an extraordinary life of radiance, happiness and fulfillment.
Let's walk this Portal Path to empowerment together!" ~Anistara

Are you willing to take a deep look at how you can begin to make huge shifts from this old paradigm programming?

Are you willing to move from an ordinary life to an extraordinary one?

Are you ready to look and feel more confident and radiant?

Are you ready to trust your inner knowing and allow your intuition to guide your life path?

Did you know that when you connect with your YONI (your own Sacred Portal of creation) and begin cultivating practices to deepen your connection with her, you can receive all of this?

Yoni teaches us to SLOW DOWN and listen. To stay in our feminine energy field, to flow with the cycles of life, to not ‘force’ anything, to not ‘should’ on ourselves and to just BE.

Knowing that we are supported by her, we can begin to more fully embody our femininity, our divinity, following our ‘divine design’ and intuition, while lighting ourselves UP & turning ON our radiance!

the intention is to

Connect with your sisters in a sacred circle. Feel seen and heard by your peers as we all support one another.

Reconnect with the source of your feminine power, to empower your life path.

Turn ON your WOMANinfestation powers, as you build an understanding of your unique “divine design” and the archetypes you hold. 

Receive the key codes meant for you, as you experience a Sacred Portal (Yoni) Oracle Reading.

Create more alignment & synchronicity in your life, as you connect deeper to your sacred portal, the seat of your intuition.

OPEN to new forms of Creativity, as you explore what's possible on this empowerment path.

Learn more

you will go home with...

New practices for feminine embodiment, that will assist you on your empowerment path.

A renewed connection to your true self and deeper appreciation of your sacred portal of creation.

A new found sense of liberation and empowerment.

Your own sacred portal artwork for your altar.

More opportunities to be in sacred circle, with other sisters in the Portal Priestess Mystery School lineage.

An opportunity to dive deeper into this work with a private Portal Oracle Reading! Contact Anistara via HERE.

Receive all of these beautiful offerings
for $288-$444 sliding scale

about our venue...

Joy Oasis is an 11.5-acre property and blossoming private retreat center.  Half majestic redwood forest, half sunny ridge top, it is home to deer, fox, blue jay, hummingbird and fairies.  This magical land offers beautiful nature and stunning sunset views over the redwoods and ocean.

Get away from it all and be immersed in mother nature’s embrace.  Far enough away from town to feel remote, with no sounds of traffic or other people, yet close enough, that it is only a 25-minute drive from Sebastopol.

Our ceremonial event dome feels like a luxurious womb space with plush sheep skins, yoga mats, back jacks, pillows and blankets offering you the comfort of home.  There are 30 indoor sleeping space options if you choose to stay the night.

More Info About Joy Oasis
What other sisters are saying

Anistara Ma Ka

Mother of 11.11 Unified, Visionary Pioneer, Awakened Leader, Sacred Portal Oracle Ordained Minister, Author, Mentor and Mother

My current offerings to the sisterhood is the creation of sacred ceremonial containers for women’s individual and collective growth and transformation.  One of these offerings is to share the lineage of the Portal Priestess Mystery School.  I have been a part of this modern-day mystery school for the past 6 years.  Having gone through the initiation program, then serving as an apprentice, I have now been ordained as a Portal Priestess Oracle.  As a mother & an empath, I understand the need for support during these transformational times and how sisterhood inspires and impacts our lives.  

We are all in this together.

I am in service to women, like you, who are ready to take that next step in their evolution and launch into an extraordinary life!

Find out more about my life, experience & offerings HERE.

To book a session, email Anistara directly:
Anistara1111 (at) gmail (dot) com

Sierra J. Sullivan is an Empowerment Mentor, Ritualist, Pussy Oracle, Ceremony Officiant & Sacred Journey Guide for women & couples who seek more connection and alignment in life, love and relationship.

Throughout her nearly 20 years in service to the re-emergence of the divine feminine, Sierra has successfully helped women all over the world to embrace more of who they are through the art of pleasure, play, fun and ritual as a powerful and effective way to create their dreams and desires.

Her mission is to eradicate pussy shame from the planet and support women in claiming the divinity of their sacred portals and awakening to the mystery and majesty that can be found in the divine design of a woman’s flower. She is also the co-founder of Eden World, a private membership club for evolutionary couples that supports building more loving relationships and a world that works for everyone.

Sierra J Sullivan


Luminessa Enjara

Founder of The New Feminine Rising, and past Co-Director of the Somatic Integrative Healing Institute

It became clear to me that my mission as the founder and director of The New Feminine Rising, is to establish and anchor a new vibration of the Divine Feminine and restore it to its original state of purity and potency. By reclaiming the lost parts of the collective and personal feminine soul women can once again know what it means to be a holy, whole, free and empowered woman.

Luminessa is the lineage holder of a 6,000 year old lineage known as the Keeper’s of the Flame and the Daughters of Inanna.  She is a teacher of women’s spirituality, sexuality, cross-cultural tantra, goddess mythology, sacred dance, meditation, conscious channeling, and more. I have studied with numerous teachers of tantra and spirituality, am trained in healing from trauma, as well as have studied some of the Native American traditions, Wicca, and a variety of Eastern philosophies.

It is my mission to be in service to women like you. I create sacred space for YOU to fully open into your truest authentic self & ground your higher self here on MotherShip Earth.

Homely is created
for people
with refined taste
who are sensitive
to the details

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